Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cryptozoology 2

The study of hidden animals.
Every year almost 20,000 new species of animals are discovered.
Quite a few of the animals we now know are real were once thought of as legendary; the mountain gorilla, the colossal squid, the saola, the okapi, to name but a few.
Even kangaroos were once thought to be legendary. When the earliest white settlers of Australia described to their European families that they had seen a creature with a head like a deer that stood upright like a man and hopped like a frog they were ridiculed and their accounts disregarded.

Just wanted to point that out.

Now, I came across these two today:

As cute as they are, what are they??
They were allegedly found washed up on shores, one on San Diego and the other in South Carolina.
The first one reminds me of the Montauk monster (see below) from some years ago, but it also looks kind of fake to me. Rubbery.
Anyway, here are the links:

Friday, March 16, 2012


Study of hidden animals. The search for animals whose existence has not been proven.
Mmmmm. Yummy! Me likey!
I don't know what it is, but I devour every report of cryptid sightings I can find! The first ones I read about were those story book type monsters. In Sweden we believe, at least in the past, in trolls and gnomes, sprites and little people.
Yes, those are all lovely and nice, but my interst was really triggered for real the first time I read about Mothman when I was 11-12. scared I was! How unfamiliar this was! How absolutely intriguing!
What were those things? Were they really real?
This was the real starting point for me I think. The "normal" world has been explored by billions of people since the dawn of man. How explored have the other worlds been?
Sure there are puzzle pieces in this realm too, but think of how many could be in the other realms!

There are so many reported cryptids sightings that of only one percent of them are true, that still leaves tons of unanswered questions.
Bigfoot, the most "common" cryptid. Real or not? I believe it is. I believe a lot of reported sighting might have been of bears or some other known animal, but after everything I have read in my days, there exists no doubt in my mind that these guys are real. At least as real as you and I, whatever that means.
What the bigfoots (bigfeet??) are remains to be answered. For a while there I thought they might be some interstellar travellers, since UFO reports are common in areas with bigfoot sightings.
I don't believe that any more. At least I don't believe that's the sole explanation.

I once read an account from an elderly man who had encountered bigfoot lots of times, but when he talked about it to the media he was efficiently silenced by the government.
Yes, that could just be some crazy old fart whose mind is going, but the way he told the story... It rang true to me.
This man claimed to have been standing in a forest looking out over a meadow when a bigfoot suddenly appeared out of thin air! Then another came, and the man describes that portion of air they were appearing from as vibrating. Kind of like air would do over a road on a hot summer's day.
This made me think bigfoots were from another dimension, another realm, another universe, and that they visited this one via portals.
But in general, now, I think of Bigfoots as a sort of race, a being, with "talents" different from ours. We may be better than them in some areas, but they are in touch with nature in ways we can only dream of.

According to old wiccan and pagan beliefs, there are elemental spirits. Representative of the four elements they work for nature, to simplify matters.
Could all cryptids be elementals?
I think some might be, but even with that "explanation", there are still questions that linger.
Will be coming back to this subject repeatedly I suspect. :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Binaural beats

This is one thing I was really hoping would work on me...
Changing your brainwaves and altering your consciousness without the use of drugs.
For weeks now I have been trying. I have listened to the free binaurals available on youtube, like this one:
I've been hoping to feel more uplifted and in some ways I have. I mean, there are some effects, but probably not what other people can get.

From what I can understand about binaural beats, you're not supposed to jump around and listen to different frequencies, so I've been sticking with the delta and theta ones.
I've narrowed it down to 4-5 that I like and that seems to have some effect. Two that are supposed to be helpful with sleep, and they do make me yawn. That may be because of my expectations, but in all honesty, my expectations have really not been set very high. I'm giving this an honest chance for a few months, that's all.
The anti-depressant one and the healing ones make me feel calmer. I like them.

Most of the time nothing in particular happens, but some binaurals seem to kick in 24 hours or so after I've listened to them. Twice that's happened now. One was a marijuana simulation. It was supposed to turn your brainwaves into those a person smoking pot has.
Nothing happened on the first day. Listened to it again the second day and nada. But on the third night I suddenly felt very strange. stoned, I would say, even though I've never been stoned. I listened to the binaural again and I was definitely feeling it that time!
Tried it the next night too but then it was the same as the first two nights.
The other was one frequency that was supposed to "make girls go bonkers", in a sexual way of course.
Scoffing, I felt the need to debunk this, so I listened to it. As I expected, nothing happened.
Until tonight that is.
I was innocently taking a walk when all of a sudden I got hit with this very unexpected heavy feeling of desire. At first I tried to just shake it off, since I'm a scorpio I'm quite prone to such feelings anyway.... But usually something has happened that has triggered that impulse. This time it just hit me from out of the dark night, and it was 24 hours after I listened to that stupid binaural...

Well, I'm going to focus only on these relaxing, healing ones from now on.
You're supposed to do it every day for 30 days I've read, so I'm going to keep going for a while longer!

New perspectives

You stand in the middle of a maze of hedges. All you can see is the closest opening so you go there.
Up in a tree next to the maze someone sits and has a completely different perspective of the maze you're in. Maybe the opening you go for is only going to lead you deeper into this maze. You don't know this, but the guy in the tree does.
Such a small change of perspective can have such an impact on a situation.

This is why we must never stop trying new things, get to know new people.
It can be as simple as listening to a type of music you don't normally listen to.

Go climb a hill! :D

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Strange sounds again...

Just a little added info and a thought.
List of many, many of these strange sounds, all except one are from 2012:

Thought: It just hit me, that the one from Borneo included in the list above, is the ONLY one I've ever heard that comes from the southern hemisphere...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Black Eyed Kids

Time to get down to business.
BEK's, for lack of a better name have rattled the very core of me since the first time I heard about them.
These are (usually) kids, around 8-15 years old, which seem to seek people out and ask to be allowed entry into their homes, or in at least one case, car.
The scary thing about these kids is not so much their general appearance, but their demeanor. And, of course, their completely black eyes. No whites, no shine. Like two black holes...
People having these encounters often talk about experiencing a feeling of dread, primal fear.

When reading these stories I often notice how unattentive people are. Many want to dismiss these stories for reasons that make no sense at all if you actually read it.
"Some people have black eyes". Sure, some have next to black irises, but the sclera, the white of the eye, would not also be black then.
"There are sclera lenses these days that some kids and people with certain medical conditions are using" True. Expensive sclera lenses exist, I have seen pictures of them, but they are shiny, not matte. Not like black holes that absorb all light.

Also, in some of the cases, the eyes are not black the entire time. Sometimes they start off looking normal, only to go into "evil mode" at a certain time.

I have no idea what these things are. I've read all kinds of debates on the subject, heard all sorts of theories, but even with all those parts I still don't have enough to piece it together.

These are some of the many, many encounters with BEK's, as well as some articles debating the subject:

For even more stories, just google "Black eyed kids"

So, since I don't know what these things are, I would advice distance.
Whether you believe or not, don't ever, EVER invite any strange kids in who knock on your door late at night...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More sounds and Project Bluebeam

OK.... The sounds are really starting to get to me...
What the heck are they?
They scare me, but at the same time I keep the conspiracy theory Project Bluebeam in mind.
Supposedly, Project Bluebeam is an attemt on a HUGE scale by the New World Order to take over the world and have the antichrist rule it. In short. More information here:
So, if they want us to believe an alien invasion/ the rapture is near, they are doing a very good job at it!
Listen to the latest sounds:

If Bluebeam is real, that could explain a lot! The technology that exists today would certainly make it possible.
It might even explain all the crazy, paranormal things going on today. Even the BEK (Black-eyed kids) phenomenon, that has puzzled me greatly.
It would explain all the latest massive increase in UFO sightings. Every day there are new sky...things... They don't look like UFO's are supposed to look at all any more. Just strange light anomalies.
May be worth keeping Bluebeam in mind in the future. Not be overwhelmed by things....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I read an intriguing article today about a woman who woke up in another universe- this one. She claimed that almost everything was the same as it was the day before, except for a few inexplicable things.
She still lived in the same home she has been living in for the last 7 years. Only her bed linen seemed unfamiliar.
Her car was still parked in the same spot as where she usually parks it. Her job is still with the same company as she has worked with for a decade.
However, the department she works for is now in a different part of the building.

Even more shocking was the fact that her new boyfriend of four months no longer exists! No one by his name exists, he doesn't work or live where he used to, there's no record of him or his son ever having existed.
And even more annoying, her old boyfriend of seven years is still in the picture, just as if they never broke up in this reality! How horrible!!!

The strangest thing about this story is that according to the well educated woman, with no history of mental problems, this change wasn't because of some time slip event. According to the woman, the day she woke up in a different reality was simply the day after she went to bed in the old one. Year and date hadn't changed, and there were no major differences between the two realities. Well, except for the disappearance of the new beau and the return of the ex!

The article also mentions a case where a man appeared on a flight arriving in Tokyo airport in the early 90's. The man was detained at the airport when it was discovered that his passport had been issued by a non-existent country.
The man was angry and shocked and was convinced he was the target of some massive practical joke!
He claimed his European country had existed for over a thousand years. The caucasian man carried many legal European currencies, had an international driver's license and spoke several languages.
Finally some government officials took pity on him and put him up in a hotel room. Guards were posted at the door and the hotel room window had no ledge outside and was 15 stories above a busy downtown street.
Yet, the next morning the man was gone, never to be found again.

So what are these stories really about? Are we living in a multiverse? Are we randomly being transported from one to the other?
In the field of quantum physics some theorize that a universe is like an infinite bubble birthing new universes- new limitless bubbles, and time doesn't exist. Everything is just an eternity of NOW.
Yeah.... I can totally grasp the concept of that................ NOT!
But I like to torment my brain by thinking about it sometimes.

In my life I know of a few instances when reality has changed in a small way from one day to the next. Like I hear of a celebrity dying, who I'm conviced has been dead for a while already. But no one remembers that but me.
Or sometimes everyone seems to have a very strong opinion about a particular subject,and you've never heard anyone have any kind of opinion on that subject before!
I've been calling these things "reality updates" and for some reason I didn't get one. At least not at those times.
Interesting anyway. Very possibly many puzzle pieces here!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The pledge

When I was around 4-5 I realized I felt like my parent's parent. My priorities were so clear, I had to protect them no matter what since they were so young.
Seems like a strange thing to think when you are 4-5, but I think what I meant was that to me they seemed to be younger souls.
I have always resisted being controlled in any way, fiercly resisted it! Raising me was no easy task, I'm sure, but the reason I wouldn't be told what to do, what was right and what was wrong, was because I already knew! Better than the  poor people who strived to raise me!
I was never that kid who had to be told not to burn flies with a magnifying glass, not to pull the legs off of spiders and such. It was never in me to hurt a living thing, especially not an animal!
My values have changed very little since I was a child. I still know right from wrong, good from evil, and most importantly, I choose good!
This doesn't mean that I've been a saint all my life, oh no no no.... I've had my rebellious stage when I drank and got into fights and was about as wild and unruly as anyone could be. I had tons of aggression I had to get out, and I did, on anyone that wasn't my friend basically.
But that was sort of a tunnel I had to get through to arrive on the other side. They were experiences I needed, puzzle pieces.
Now I'm here. I'm me. And as hard as that can be at times, it also totally rocks!
I love who I am and I'm proud to be me!

I feel somehow that I took a pledge before I was born.
Some people believe we all sign a contract before we enter this earthly realm, and I'm pretty sure I did.
It has always been so clear to me what I'm supposed to do here. I'm supposed to be doing good.
Sounds lame? Well, I don't mean that I'm supposed to sit on a meadow and play the lute and think happy thoughts! I'm me, the fierce scorpio! I have passion in everything I do! I'm hotheaded and intense and can be quite scary when I want to be. I have ridiculous integrity. Oh, and I'm freakishly strong.
So there must be a reason for that? I must have been made in the exact way I was to be able to do the things I was supposed to do, right?
I just don't believe in coincidences too much.

I'm no leader. But I'm DEFINITELY not a follower either.
I'm a loner. A grumpy, but good hearted loner who wants to help, almost no matter how much it will cost me.
That, I believe, is what I'm supposed to do. Help, and possibly share some puzzle pieces along the way.
I'm not expecting to be praised in any way. My ways are to weird for most people to even see what I'm about, to see ME, but as long as someone is helped, it is all worth it!

UFO's and the sounds

UFO's have never really interested me. Don't get me wrong, should something significant happen in regards to them, like one of them landing in the middle of the field during the Super Bowl and aliens stepping out and zapping everyone, I would be as interested as the next guy.
However, these constant tales of eye witness encounters... What do they add to the puzzle? About 58 gazillion people have by now reported seeing a "strange light or craft", and as exciting as I'm sure that is for them, just another reported sighting adds very little information.
I must though, report that the sightings in the past few years have increased dramatically! At least judging from what I read at my different paranormal sites.
Something may be abrew.
Another thing that might possibly have to do with UFO's are the sounds, and this I actually find very fascinating and equally disturbing.
From all over the world there are reports of strange sounds. Some of them are loud clanking, banging sounds, some are sounding like cannon shots, some are just a deep, vibrating hum that makes everything shake, and some, and this one I've heard myself, twice, are like a massive jet enegine combined with a strange pulsating.
This is a link to it, but it wasn't as loud as that when I heard it:
Now as far as I can tell this it not a sound I have heard before. Nor can I even begin to imagine what is causing it, but I'm not saying it's necessarily paranormal in nature.
Of course I have discussed it with others. One gentleman in his 60's was actually with me the second time I heard the sound. This time it was daytime and the sound was heard for at least an hour.
We discussed what on earth it could be and we both agreed that the pulses sometimes sounded like an old train in slow motion.
I became aware that there are actually two different pulses, one slightly faster than the other so that sometimes they overlap.
I suppose it could be some kind of heavy machinery, but at all hours? The first time I heard it it was night.
Also, why are people hearing the same sound all over the world? And why now, in just these past few years?
And oddly enough, right after the first time I heard the sound, no more than a week or two after, the bird deaths started. The mass bird deaths that have been happening all over the world.
The second one that got headlines was here in Sweden.
Coincidence? Maybe. What do I know? I just know that I don't have enough parts to make a puzzle piece out of this one yet. But it's on my mind as "something".
Now if these sounds are not UFO related, could they be created by secret government projects?
Of course they could be, and if they are there might still be some UFO tech involved, who knows?
Could the sounds be coming from the earth itself?
Another possibility. But there are just theories, just thoughts.
The sounds are a mystery, and a mystery is a usually a part of a puzzle piece! :)

The other realm

Or the several other realms, what do I know?
I'm talking about the fortean, the paranormal.
Something that is there, but is denied by many for several different resons. Most commonly close-mindedness and fear.
So if this stuff scares you, you might need to find another blog to read, for there will be a bunch of it here. : )

Do not ask me for answers. I will give you ideas, theories, thoughts, but never an absolute truth.
Because I don't know any. Nobody does, but they like to pretend to. ; )
What I will write about sometimes are just thoughts, reflections of things I read or hear. Pieces might be in there, pieces to the puzzle, but sometimes you seem to get parts of pieces, and you need to find them all to complete the puzzle piece.
A lot of times it's like this in the fortean world. You read something here that reminds you of something you read 2 years ago there, that didn't make sense at the time. But combine them and whoopsy daisy, we have another piece!

Now, for as long back as I can remember I have been very intrigued by the paranormal.
I was raised Christian and was repeatedly told that anything fortean was bad, and I kept feeling bad because there was no way I could STOP being interested in everything from ghosts, to cryptozoology.
Now that I'm older and somewhat wiser I have decided that curiosity is the driving force of the human race. It's in us. Denying it without really even understanding why wouldn't make sense.
I am aware there is evil in the paranormal realm. Whether there's more or less evil there than there is in our earthly realm, I have no idea.
But I've decided that information is power so I keep educating myself in many fields.
Others may think of it what they wish. If they judge me, it's on them.


Now what do I believe in?
Do I believe in God?
Of course! That's a given!
Well, for me it is anyway, considering the pieces I have collected so far. There has to be a God.
Now, what God is I can't answer.
I have theories, but I'm pretty sure that no matter how clever I think I am or how wild my imagination runs, my theories on God wouldn't come anywhere NEAR what God really is.
So I've settled on just thinking that God is everything. Not part of everything, God IS everything!

The way I am I just don't fit in with any organized religion. I hope God won't hold that against me!
At least what I am looking for in the end is to know God. The truth. The Alpha and the Omega.
I hope he will consider that.
I have huge issues with a lot of things in the Bible. I cannot believe that some of the things in there are supposed to be God's words! They sound an awful lot like the words of MEN!
I have looked at gnosticism some and find a lot of their believes to make sense.
The Bible, as it is now, is a collection of old scriptures that were chosen from a much larger selection of old scriptures, many many hundreds of years ago, by a bunch of MEN, who had decided that they were good/ wise/ holy enough to JUDGE which books would be considered true and should therefore be included in the holy scripture of this new religion Christianity.
Censorship! Pure and true.
Many books were thrown out. Some of those were the gnostic texts that were recovered in 1945 near the Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi.
Very interesting scriptures.

So, I have very few absolute truths, but I do have beliefs.
I have also no problem with people believing in other things. Not at all.
I do however have a problem with people trying to force their beliefs unto somebody else!
Many Christians that I have met have tried to "steer me in the right direction"...
How arrogant! To assume that I do not know my God in my heart!
To assume that they are better people than I am!
Who are they? Are they humble? Are they not being judgemental?
They are NOT the good Christians they believe themselves to be!
They don't believe, they are convinced! And it was never about conviction!
To be convinced is to have decided with your logical mind that this is something I choose to be my one and only truth. It closes your heart, your mind. It leads to stagnation of spiritual growth.
They think their faith is so strong, but really, they're just being stubborn!
Their faith, if confronted with a real challenge, is not as strong as they think!
It closes their mind to God in my opinion!

To believe is a much softer, humble, gentle thing to me.
To believe is to feel God within as well as all around. The ever present everything.

Of course there are good Christians as well, and I love their strong, pure hearts.
I just think many have forgotten what it was really all about. They have become blind.
They don't look around because they are afraid to see something that will shake that "oh so strong" faith of theirs.
So they deny it.
And they ridicule anyone who brings it to their attention.
That is fear.
And fear is the opposite of love.
And God is love.


I thought I would point out this ancient, but very underrated form of healing.
This one rings true to me, in an intuitive way. It makes sense to me somehow. And if you learn it, it's very accessible and cheap! ; )
If you are not as bendy as I am, try to persuade your significant other or a friend to learn about this together with you.

The concept of reflexology is that when something in the body isn't in balance, if it's sick or something, that will manifest in certain areas of the feet (or hands, ears or back) which corresponds to the problematic body part.
Wall paintings have been found in ancient Egyptian burial charmbers, depicting reflexology treatment. The paintings are from around  year 2330 B.C.

The idea is that massaging the corresponding area on the foot will help the problematic body part heal itself by releasing blockages and stimulating blood and energy flow.
One shouldn't just target the problematic area, but rather go over them all and then spend a little extra time on the problem area.
Don't use lotions or oils because your fingers should not slide, but steadily massage.

In the beginning of a treatment, the symptoms may worsen for a brief period of time, but will later disperse and disappear.
80-90% of people who have tried reflexology consider themselves fully healed or significantly helped, and yet it remains a very underrated healing form.

Reflexology must NOT be performed on people with diabetes or cancer, and not on children under 8.

The way I do it is I start with a nice foot bath, preferably with sea salt in it. Then I wash my feet off and dry them, and rub a bit of non-oily lotion on them.
I gently work the lotion in while I bend and soften up the feet for the coming treatment. By the time I'm done, the lotion will be absorbed and I begin the treatment from the "top", i.e. the toes on my left foot. The whole treatment can take between 30-60 minutes, including foot bath.
The tender areas on my feet represent areas of my body that aren't functioning 100%. I gently massage these areas to dissolve any crystals that have formed (thus the pain) . I am careful not to hurt myself, because the treatment should be firm, but not painful.

I added an interactive reflexology foot chart to the blog. Use it! :)

First blog entry : )

When creating this blog I kept wishing I had done this a long time ago. What if I can't remember all the pieces?
My whole life has been a journey, an endless quest to uncover the pieces. I believe my spirit, IF reincarnation is real, might have started this in a previous life.
I say IF, because I have found enought pieces to know that I know nothing, and neither do you.
Nothing can be etched in stone as absolute truth, not one single thing.
We are, as a race, oblivious.
Not so surprising, since our minds usually tend to occupy themselves with worldly, material things. It's what we see, what we feel, and therefore we cling to it as "the truth".
Because what would we be if we really could grasp that the whole material world is an illusion, just a dream? We would be drifting in space, with no sense of direction. We would be alone. It would be the ultimate chaos and we will fight that with everything we got!
I'm no different.
I hate drifting around alone in space. Way too cold and dried space food sucks!
Yes, my friends, I'm speaking metaphorically, but sometimes I wonder... maybe the metaphor is in fact the truth?

Now don't worry your sweet little heads, I won't go too deep on you in this blog. I will just pour some of the semi-organized chaos brewing in my brain out on paper....uhm, the screen?
My life has not been an easy or typical one. I might have found some pieces in the strange and scary places I've been, that have eluded you so far? Who knows?
So far I've learned enough to keep me grounded but unafraid to dive into the strange, dark ponds I come across along my path. I will climb every mountain, examine every cave, turn over as many stones as I can stand, to get closer to the truth. I will be that crazy woman who will take that overgrown path leading into the deep, dark woods, while everyone else continues on the paved and lit up road.
I might get hit over the head by an evil mountain troll this way, but I'm hoping what I have learned so far with minimize the risk of such things. ; )

This blog will be a mix of all sorts of things that I have found to be useful over the years, as well as my personal thoughts on things going on in both the physical realm and others.
An open mind, some brains and a bunch of experience will get you lots and lots of puzzle pieces!