Friday, March 16, 2012


Study of hidden animals. The search for animals whose existence has not been proven.
Mmmmm. Yummy! Me likey!
I don't know what it is, but I devour every report of cryptid sightings I can find! The first ones I read about were those story book type monsters. In Sweden we believe, at least in the past, in trolls and gnomes, sprites and little people.
Yes, those are all lovely and nice, but my interst was really triggered for real the first time I read about Mothman when I was 11-12. scared I was! How unfamiliar this was! How absolutely intriguing!
What were those things? Were they really real?
This was the real starting point for me I think. The "normal" world has been explored by billions of people since the dawn of man. How explored have the other worlds been?
Sure there are puzzle pieces in this realm too, but think of how many could be in the other realms!

There are so many reported cryptids sightings that of only one percent of them are true, that still leaves tons of unanswered questions.
Bigfoot, the most "common" cryptid. Real or not? I believe it is. I believe a lot of reported sighting might have been of bears or some other known animal, but after everything I have read in my days, there exists no doubt in my mind that these guys are real. At least as real as you and I, whatever that means.
What the bigfoots (bigfeet??) are remains to be answered. For a while there I thought they might be some interstellar travellers, since UFO reports are common in areas with bigfoot sightings.
I don't believe that any more. At least I don't believe that's the sole explanation.

I once read an account from an elderly man who had encountered bigfoot lots of times, but when he talked about it to the media he was efficiently silenced by the government.
Yes, that could just be some crazy old fart whose mind is going, but the way he told the story... It rang true to me.
This man claimed to have been standing in a forest looking out over a meadow when a bigfoot suddenly appeared out of thin air! Then another came, and the man describes that portion of air they were appearing from as vibrating. Kind of like air would do over a road on a hot summer's day.
This made me think bigfoots were from another dimension, another realm, another universe, and that they visited this one via portals.
But in general, now, I think of Bigfoots as a sort of race, a being, with "talents" different from ours. We may be better than them in some areas, but they are in touch with nature in ways we can only dream of.

According to old wiccan and pagan beliefs, there are elemental spirits. Representative of the four elements they work for nature, to simplify matters.
Could all cryptids be elementals?
I think some might be, but even with that "explanation", there are still questions that linger.
Will be coming back to this subject repeatedly I suspect. :)

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